The Fitness Industry is Lying to You...

...And We Will Help You Beat It!

You won't believe how people like Tony, in his 40s from Edinburgh are able to lose weight, build confidence, and transform their health & life, in just a few short weeks on our award winning SPPT Programme 👇👇👇👇



Not Quite Ready? Well let's tell you Tony's story...

...The fitness industry was lying to him, he was made to feel that he'd never manage to lose fat or build muscle, he'd been led to believe that he needed the latest protein shake, or that he had to train 6 days a week to successfully lose weight, build muscle and get fitter.

Tony had tried it all, the paleo diet, training every day for hours at a time, until he felt like his arms were going to fall off and despite all his hard work, his efforts, and the amount of different gyms or diets he just could not see results.

He was at his wits end. You can imagine the frustration, maybe even experienced this yourself? Tired, exhausted, angry and feeling like just being healthy in his body wasn't something he could achieve.

If you're here I'm sure you know the feeling. You try buying that new membership to that new massive gym and get nowhere. You even try all of the same diets and training plans more than once and just hope for a different outcome. How do those celebrities make this seem so easy!?

You're desperate to feel fit again and have total body confidence but whatever you try just doesn't work. But listen, I'm here to tell you something very important.

It's not your fault!

See, the fitness industry is lying to you, and telling you things that not only fail to get results, but could actually be harming your progress.

Common Myths You've Probably Heard

  1. You need to do hours of cardio to lose weight

  2. Cut out carbs

  3. Deadlifts are bad for your back

  4. High reps to tone up

  5. You need to train 6x per week

  6. It's all downhill after 40

  7. Squats are bad for your knees

  8. Longer workouts are more meaningful

  9. Crunches tone your stomach

  10. Running is best for fat loss

If these are all myths and aren't really true or don't work then what DOES? I may just have the answer for you...

By stumbling across this page, and reading the secrets I'm about to reveal you're about to put yourself at a huge advantage, and learn the system that's taken years of research and been mastered with hundreds of clients just like you!

Let me introduce you to...

LIFT Semi-Private Personal Training

With LIFT Semi-Private Personal Training you can:

  1. Understand how health and fitness works for you

  2. Lose weight & build muscle

  3. Build confidence in and out of the gym

  4. Feel fit & healthy in your everyday life

  5. Create lasting habits for long term success

  6. Join a supportive community of like minded men

  7. LIFT yourself & others

  8. Take control of your life

  9. Create a longer lasting & healthier lifestyle that works for you.

To get immediate access to your completely free consult and see how LIFT SPPT can change your life!

So Who Are We?

By this point you're probably wondering what makes us qualified to talk about creating life changing habits, understanding health and fitness, empowering you to your best self and becoming the healthiest you've ever been.

The first thing you should know is that we are NOT a place for elite athletes only. But here's what we ARE and some of the awards we've won:

  • Edinburgh's best gym (Edinburgh Evening News)

  • #1 Gym to Join in Edinburgh (Edinburgh Evening News)

  • Edinburgh's Best Small Group Personal Training Gym

  • Scottish Strength Gym of the Year

  • Scottish Gym of the Year Finalist

  • Edinburgh's Highest Scoring Gym (Google Reviews)

We're an independent gym with the vision of becoming Scotland's favourite destination for fitness, health and wellness.

A team of people who care deeply about empowering you to achieve your dream results in a sustainable way.

A place with the most supportive environment you can dream of that gives you access to the best kit possible to achieve your goals and enjoy the way fitness will complement your life.

A true independent local business with a founder team (Laura & Andy) who understand your journey having been there and done it themselves across the last 10 years, making fitness and strength work alongside running a business and having busy lifestyles.

So if you want to see how we can help you, just hit the button, or scroll a little further to learn a bit more!

Why LIFT SPPT Is Not Like Any Other Fitness Programme

Here's why:

  1. We've had THOUSANDS of people come through our doors who've found our environment and our team to be the friendliest gym ever

  2. We provide sessions 7 days a week from 06:30 right through to 20:00 because we want to fit round your schedule

  3. You'll get access to our full team of coaches, and all of their training styles

  4. We have a combined over 35 years experience in the fitness industry

  5. We provide accountability through a variety of built in systems to ensure your success

  6. We treat everyone as an individual and understand different needs and goals

  7. We've won awards for this and can back it up when we say that we are the best.

I know what you’re thinking - This is just another program that promises so much, and delivers nothing. Maybe LIFT is out to trick and con me out of my money. I completely understand.

It’s only natural to be skeptical when every instagram model/influencer or human with a lean stomach all of a sudden has a program or shake to sell you. And I know you’ve probably tried so many things before.

But Tony felt the same and he hasn't looked back since. We're not asking you to part with any cash here, we want to go that step further and invite you onto a chat to see if you're a good fit for our programme as we don't just take anyone on who's looking for a quick fix.

The Part You Really Want to Know...

I know, I know, I haven't mentioned the price yet. But let me answer that question. The full value of what we offer if you purchased them separately for one month is listed below:

  • 12x PT Sessions ~ £360

  • Full Online Trainer Support & Plan ~ £150

  • Nutrition Plan ~ £75pcm

  • Online Education Course ~ £50

  • Unlimited Gym & Functional Fitness Class Access ~ £65

  • 12 Yoga Sessions ~ £250

That's a total cost of ~£950 for everything that we provide at a fraction of that cost with ZERO long term commitment. We don't tie people into 12 month contracts because we know people love us, our gym, and the results they get from our training so they stay with us because they WANT to.

So can you really afford to miss out with an offer like this? You've got 2 options right...

Option 1 is to close this page, go back to doing what you’ve tried before, feel frustrated that you didn’t grab this offer when it was available first time, then be back here in 2 to 3 months time. 

Option 2 is the smart move. Tony took option 2...

You decide that enough is enough and that you finally want a guaranteed way to reach insert goal in the fastest and most effective way possible, invest in yourself and be surrounded by a team who will support through the entire journey. 

Still on the fence about having a chat?

Still on the fence? How about this. We give a 100% money-back guarantee. In the incredibly unlikely situation that you’re not completely happy, I’ll refund every penny you pay. 

I forgot to say - our spaces won’t last long. There are only 5 spots available at this time. If you want to take advantage NOW, you need to act. 

One final thing. Let me ask you this: How would it feel to unlock that dream figure and finally be happy with your top off at the beach and proud of your shoulders and arms?

And how would it feel to do that in 28 days and without endless cardio and 6 days a week in the gym. Like the sound of that? Then you know what to do.